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#LoveOzYAbookclub March 2019 title announcement – WHAT I LIKE ABOUT ME

Hello and happy Labour Day weekend for those celebrating today! (of which I am one) And I’m very pleased to announce that our read for March 2019 (I gave it a little more time, to make sure it was available on shelves) is the YA debut by Jenna Guillaume, WHAT I LIKE ABOUT ME. Here’s […]

#LoveOzYAbookclub March 2019 title announcement – WHAT I LIKE ABOUT ME Read More »

#LoveOzYAbookclub author interview Feb 2019 – Demet Divaroren (LIVING ON HOPE STREET)

#LoveOzYAbookclub author interview Feb 2019 – Demet Divaroren (LIVING ON HOPE STREET) Hello again, and welcome to this year’s first author interview! It’s great to be back in action on #LoveOzYAbookclub, and I try to provide an author Q&A (and sometimes an author FB chat) whenever we start a new title each month. Demet Divaroren

#LoveOzYAbookclub author interview Feb 2019 – Demet Divaroren (LIVING ON HOPE STREET) Read More »

#LoveOzYAbookclub February 2019 title announcement – LIVING ON HOPE STREET

Welcome to 2019 and welcome back to #LoveOzYAbookclub, folks! I hope your Thanksgiving-Hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Christmas-New Year celebrations were joyful, and your holidays relaxing and safe. My family spent some time doing our usual camping trip – long car rides, campfires, mosquitoes and incredibly beautiful beaches (and dolphins!) seem to have been a permanent part of our holiday

#LoveOzYAbookclub February 2019 title announcement – LIVING ON HOPE STREET Read More »

#LoveOzYAbookclub – Nov-Dec 2018 author interview: Emily Gale (I Am Out With Lanterns)

Emily Gale would have to be one of Australia’s best imports – an English émigré, she’s been enriching the local book-writing and book-selling scene since she arrived. She is an author of Junior and Young Adult fiction, and has worked in the literary industry for nearly twenty years, as an editor for Penguin and Egmont

#LoveOzYAbookclub – Nov-Dec 2018 author interview: Emily Gale (I Am Out With Lanterns) Read More »

#LoveOzYAbookclub – November 2018 title announcement: I AM OUT WITH LANTERNS

Hello! With only a month-and-a-bit until Christmas and many things to do before year’s end, it’s time we got stuck into our November title! And I’m very pleased to announce that I AM OUT WITH LANTERNS by Emily Gale has been a very popular choice for our next-to-last book for the year. One of us

#LoveOzYAbookclub – November 2018 title announcement: I AM OUT WITH LANTERNS Read More »

#LoveOzYAbookclub October 2018 title announcement – SONGS THAT SOUND LIKE BLOOD

Hi again! We’re getting closer to the end of the year, goodness – I can’t quite believe that we’ve only got two more books to go in 2018 after this one! You might have noticed that the schedule has been stretched out a little; our October book is only just arriving, which means the discussion

#LoveOzYAbookclub October 2018 title announcement – SONGS THAT SOUND LIKE BLOOD Read More »

Circus Hearts: All Fall Down is liiiive

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Circus Hearts: All Fall Down is liiiive Read More »

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