It Sounded Better In My Head

#LoveOzYAbookclub Feb 2020 author interview – NINA KENWOOD (It Sounded Better In My Head)

Our first author interview for the year – huzzah! If you’d like a little insight into what inspired Nina Kenwood to write her debut YA novel, her fave trash movies, and the potential alternative titles for It Sounded Better in My Head, read on…   What other media inspired you during the writing of this […]

#LoveOzYAbookclub Feb 2020 author interview – NINA KENWOOD (It Sounded Better In My Head) Read More »

#LoveOzYAbookclub Feb 2020 title announcement – IT SOUNDED BETTER IN MY HEAD

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#LoveOzYAbookclub Feb 2020 title announcement – IT SOUNDED BETTER IN MY HEAD Read More »

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