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#LoveOzYAbookclub – September 2018 author interview: Alison Evans (IDA)

I finally got to meet Alison Evans at a YA author catch-up in Melbourne recently (hey Alison! *waves*), and apart from being a really good sport about answering our slightly dopey questions here on bookclub, they also have the same weapon-of-choice-in-a-zombie-apocalypse as me, so we are now fast friends Please read on to find out […]

#LoveOzYAbookclub – September 2018 author interview: Alison Evans (IDA) Read More »

Circus Hearts 2: All Fall Down cover reveal and preorder!

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Circus Hearts 2: All Fall Down cover reveal and preorder! Read More »

#LoveOzYAbookclub August 2018 author interview – ERIN GOUGH (Amelia Westlake)

Erin Gough is a lovely person, and I know this because she once sat and chatted with me on the floor of the Melbourne Arts Centre during lunch at Reading Matters, and she happily ignored that fact that bits of salad were dropping off my plate onto the carpet near her foot. No but really,

#LoveOzYAbookclub August 2018 author interview – ERIN GOUGH (Amelia Westlake) Read More »

#LoveOzYAbookclub August 2018 title announcement: AMELIA WESTLAKE

Good morning, team! Our new title for August 2018 is AMELIA WESTLAKE by Erin Gough. “Two very different girls, and one giant hoax that could change – or ruin – everything. Harriet Price has the perfect life: she’s a prefect at Rosemead Grammar, she lives in a mansion, and her gorgeous girlfriend is a future prime minister. So when

#LoveOzYAbookclub August 2018 title announcement: AMELIA WESTLAKE Read More »

#LoveOzYAbookclub – Author interview: Sarah Epstein (SMALL SPACES)

Sarah Epstein is multi-talented: not only is she a skilled writer of YA thrillers like SMALL SPACES, she’s also a graphic designer, a parent and a small business manager. I love that her illustrations at Sarah Epstein Creative are so colourful and cheery, and her YA writing is so dark and scary! Sarah grew up

#LoveOzYAbookclub – Author interview: Sarah Epstein (SMALL SPACES) Read More »

CIRCUS HEARTS 1: All The Little Bones – cover and blurb reveal

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CIRCUS HEARTS 1: All The Little Bones – cover and blurb reveal Read More »

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