Hello to a new month of bookclub! And hello to our amazing new home on Instagram – have you checked it out yet? Go do that!
This month’s read is the debut YA fantasy NIGHTBIRDS by Kate Armstrong. Kate runs The Exploress podcast, which deals with all things ‘women in history’ and the threads of 1920s glamour and magic run through her new book – here’s the blurb:

The Nightbirds are Simta’s best kept secret. Teenage girls from the Great Houses with magic coursing through their veins, the Nightbirds have the unique ability to gift their magic to others with a kiss. Magic—especially the magic of women—is outlawed and the city’s religious sects would see them burned if discovered. But protected by the Great Houses, the Nightbirds are safe well-guarded treasures.
As this Season’s Nightbirds, Matilde, Aesa, and Sayer spend their nights bestowing their unique brands of magic to well-paying clients. Once their Season is through, they’re each meant to marry a Great House lord and become mothers to the next generation of Nightbirds before their powers fade away. But Matilde, Aesa, and Sayer have other plans. They know their lives as Nightbirds aren’t just temporary, but a complete lie and yearn for something more.
When they discover that there are other girls like them and that their magic is more than they were ever told, they see the carefully crafted Nightbird system for what it is: a way to keep them in their place, first as daughters and then as wives. Now they must make a choice—to stay in their gilded cage or to remake the city that put them there in the first place.
You can buy NIGHTBIRDS at a 20% discount through Readings Books if you use the code ‘LOVE2LOVEOZYA’ at checkout. And if digital or audiobook are more your style, you can find them here and here.
Hope you love this month’s amazing OzYA read! Give us your comments on the bookclub Insta page, and see you there!