Happy November, friends! We’re one book away from the end of the bookclub year… Now that the Halloween pumpkins and nutmeg scents are drifting away, can you almost smell the crisp pine of yule logs and brandy-soaked raisins for the Christmas puddings? (Arrggghhh! we all scream in it’s-not-Christmas-yet)
But this month we’re doing a flashback read of a contemporary YA rom-com classic: LIFE IN OUTER SPACE by Melissa Keil. I love this book so very much! It’s the perfect combo of humour, romance, and geeky pop culture references. As a special treat, the book has been reissued with a brand spanking new cover just this year. For those of you who haven’t encountered Sam and Camilla and their delightful nerdery yet, here’s the blurb:

A young adult romantic comedy about a movie geek and the dream girl he refuses to fall in love with.
Sam Kinnison is a geek, and he’s fine with that. He loves horror movies, hanging out with his nerdy friends and playing World of Warcraft – and until Princess Leia turns up in his bedroom, he doesn’t have to worry about girls.
Then Sam meets Camilla. She’s beautiful, friendly and completely irrelevant to his life. So Sam is determined to ignore her, except that Camilla has a life of her own – and she’s decided he’s going to be part of it …
Boy meets girl. Boy tries to lose girl. Or does he?
Life in Outer Space is Melissa Keil’s first brilliantly sweet and funny YA novel. It was the inaugural winner of the Ampersand Prize, Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing award for debut authors. This special edition of the beloved #LoveOzYA rom-com includes a bonus new chapter.
I very much hope you enjoy LIFE IN OUTER SPACE this month, and you can order the book here at Boomerang Books, or here through our new online partners Readings Books – we’ve switched reading partners, and while we don’t yet have a free shipping code, it’s on its way. If reading in digital is more your style, you can find the ebook here.
Thank you to everyone joining in this month! You’re welcome to jump aboard the FB group page anytime to share the LoveOzYA love, and keep an eye out for later in the month when we have a very special interview with this month’s author, Melissa Keil. Happy reading!