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NO LIMITS Launch Party, and a huge thank yous

Heya! *waves* I’m laid up in bed with a hideous cold right now (stay back – you don’t want to get these germs, trust me), but I’m dropping by real quick to give an excited cheer for NO LIMITS, which was released into the wild by me and Sarah and Alex, the gals from The YA Room, at Dymocks CBD Melbourne on August 18. There was a stack of book copies, amazing cupcakes (iced in cover colours!), some lovely reviews of the book, a Q&A, me signing stuff and a helluva lot of people. Here’s a few pics to give you some idea of general shenanigans:

I’d like to say a huge Thank You to everyone who came out on such a cold, wet, dirty August night to help me celebrate! I really appreciate that level of support, especially from some of you who came from hours away – one attendee came from up near Macedon, and other fans came from way out, so wow. Just wow. That made me feel amazing and so so grateful.

I also want to take the chance here to reiterate what I said the night of the launch: that writing NO LIMITS rose out of my own desire to tell Harris and Amie’s story, but it takes a team to create a book, and you have all been my team in this massive journey. So many people have kept the flame burning, even when I didn’t think the book’s publication would ever happen – I had a ton of people who emailed and commented and asked me when on earth my Harris book was going to arrive. Without that push, I might have given up long ago. So this book is really for the fans: the people who love Harris just as much as I do, and have been in my corner the whole way.

Thank you all heaps.

Now, before I get too mushy, I have to tell you there’s a GoodReads giveaway for NO LIMITS – I’m releasing five signed print copies of the book over the next month, so please feel free to join in. It’s very easy – go here before September 22 and click.

Folks have also been asking where they can get copies of NO LIMITS in ebook and print – to make it nice and easy for everyone, I’ve made a handy little graphic right here 🙂 *points right*

So this is a quickie post, because illness, but finally I wanted to let everyone know about a few events on this week: tonight I’ll be at the 2017 HarperCollins #LoveOzYA Education Evening at the Intercontinental Melbourne in Collins Street, where I’ll be appearing with Danielle Binks, Melissa Keil, Lili Wilkinson, Michael Pryor and Amie Kaufman. Then I’m heading down to Haileybury College, Brighton, on Friday to talk to students there, before cutting across to Canberra on Sunday for the Canberra Writers Festival, where I’ll be talking with Will Kostakis and Jaclyn Moriarty about all things #LoveOzYA. Hope to see you at one of these things!

In the meantime, make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter – I’m giving away the first two chapters of NO LIMITS to new subscribers, and you can find the linky thing here on the website Home page. I’ll be giving regular updates about what’s going down on my side of town, plus sneak peeks at new work, and all the goss about what I’m up to.

Thanks again for joining in all the launch excitement for NO LIMITS! Stay well (don’t get this bug!) and have a great week 🙂


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